Monday, January 30, 2006


Note: Memories was created durin a very borin class on a day, I wasn't too happy. It was created for the alumni day PPT, which turned out decentish. Anywayz, the poems not much to read in terms of language, the fun is in the visuals, but we at K can sure relate to it

Memories of the 7 am class,
when keeping your eyes open was such a bother.
The tasty food served at the mess,
which suddenly reminded you of your mother.

Memories of the first PG crush,
the first taste of rivalry.
Memories of the CP King,
Who imparted Gyaan for free.

Memories of that surprise quiz,
Moments of activity interspersed by slumber.
The display of the grade sheet,
The realization that there isn't anyone dumber.

Memories of all night parties,
Ignoring HBR cases to be solved.
Memories of friendship and camaraderie,
Of bonds that slowly dissolved.

Memories of a 2 year quest,
Memorries of that wonderful day.
Memories of the pride, the joy,
of being a part of IIMK.

Memories that you treasure,
Experiences that we would hear and see.
Memories that would guide us,
as we carry forward your legacy.

-Pranay Rao

Friday, January 27, 2006


Life is not always,
how its meant to be.
What you imagine,
is not what you see.

You learn to adapt,
learn to breath to live,
learn to apologize,
learn to forgive.

learn to treasure,
all that is close to you,
to cast not that is old,
yet seek what is new.

life is in motion,
in a state of flux,
exhorting you to innovate,
to focus on the crux.

nothing is a given,
nothing is ever done.
Life is but an enigma,
a state of transition.